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I would've like to learn more about the other tribes. View all 4 comments. She must find a way to stop her cruel father from harming her Trylle power, but she also figure out how to reconcile her feelings for Loki, when she is married to Tove. He was sucked into society. I also had a great time getting to know the numerous characters inside it. trylle trilogy ascend

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At first, I thought I wanted to see Wendy and Finn together, after their brief almost-happened love scene.

Well, in general, I like this series, so I'd say that if you have this series, or any of the three books in this series, definitely give the series a shot! Ascend Trylle Trilogy 3 by Amanda Hocking. asceend

trylle trilogy ascend

I also don't have problem with Wendy and Finn NOT being together, therefore I don't mind her hooking up with someone else. Given the fact that I absolutely adored most of the character In the beginning, I really didn't think that I would like this series.

Book Review: Ascend (Trylle Trilogy #3) by Amanda Hocking

Beverly O You can download Ascend using this link: And he can move things with his mind. He deserves his own ascennd of books. View all 10 comments.

I think you will be surprised what an eye opener Matt has become for Willa, whether they are able to stay together or not, his influence has left a lasting mark.

Ascend (Trylle Trilogy, #3)

What happened to it??? Hocking seems to have realized late in the game that she needed to resolve points tryole her first two books in this trilogy and she kind of just jams those resol http: The storyline was phenomenal.

I was annoyed at Tove for being so nice and responsible, but liked him because he was so nice and responsible. Not very much happened in terms of large events, except for the few big ones the wedding, the coronation, the attack on the Vittra. After a dramatic rescue, Wendy is rtylle up to her duties - and doing whatever she can to do what is best for her future kingdom. Wendy has a lot of growing up to do, because a wedding, and a coronation, are no joke. She becomes the Queen she was always meant to be.

trylle trilogy ascend

What Are You Reading? If you're not afraid of a spoiler-crazy review, you can visit my blog and check out my review.

Ascend by Amanda Hocking

The relationships between her characters, from the major ones to the minor ones, are wonderful. This series as a whole is not incredibly action ascendd.

Yes, they are pretty much at the same level, and this fact alone speaks volumes of what you should expect if you ever decided to read it.

If anything, it seemed like he was a stalker ascehd she ended up magically falling in love with him with no real development of their feelings for each other. Feb 19, Rebekah rated it really liked zscend Shelves: I had expected more. I never thought I will enjoy this as much as I did.

I think she may have been a bit ascenr confident by her almost-queen status. It trilogj you on edge. Then, the entire time, I'm thinking that Wendy is in love with Finn, her tracker and that something would happen in the end with him because he is a different class and I thought Wendy would make changes to that once she is Queen but nothing happens between them.

Some will die, but the future of the Trylle ends up in the best hands. What about the trackers? Towns were attacked, people were killed under his order, but none of these attacks seem to be beneficent to him in any sense. Hocking also seems to have no idea about the realities of war and she even seems to forget the time period she's in. He was sucked into society.

trylle trilogy ascend

The author missed an amazing opportunity how to finish this series. Remember this, Wendy is forced to do a lot of growing up and becomes quite the woman to be reckoned with.

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